Company Car Policy report – 2025 – All Market

299 000 Ft + ÁFA

A Company Car Policy angol nyelvű report – 2023 tartalma:

  1. Do your lease or buy Company Cars?
  2. Does your car policy allow to lease or buy fully electric cars?
  3. Do you have Pool Cars?
  4. Do you have fully electric Pool Cars?
  5. Company Car lease cost (HUF/month, net)
  6. Company Car purchase limit (thousand HUF, gross)
  7. Pool Car lease cost (HUF/month, net)
  8. Pool Car purchase limit (thousand HUF, gross)
  9. Company Car / Pool Car lease period
  10. Company Car / Pool Car km limit / lease period (thousand km / lease period)
  11. Company Car fuel card limit
  12. For what purposes can the fuel card be used?
  13. Most typical car types
  14. Most typical car models
  15. Can employees customize their car setup/package?
  16. What is included in the standard package?
  17. Are there any limitations/exclusions?
  18. If employee requests a lower category, can they keep the cost difference?
  19. Can employees buy the car at the end of lease period?
  20. What happens in case of promotion
  21. What happens if someone leaves the company?
  22. How big is the car fleet? (total number of company cars)
  23. Which lease company do you use?
  24. Who handles the car administration at the company?
  25. Who handles the car maintenance? (e.g. repairs, tyre change, safety inspection, etc.)
  26. Do you grant parking spaces?
  27. Do you have sufficient parking spaces?
  28. How parking spaces are distributed?

A riport angol nyelven készült 139 nagy és közepes vállalat bevonásával, melyek átlagos létszáma 1.024 fő. Ahol lehetséges a riport eredményei szenoritást kifejező fizetési sávokra is le vannak bontva. A 39 oldalas riport angol nyelven készült.


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